Quality Control with Integrated Inspections in Workflow
Define inspection types – A master list of inspection checklists.
Inspection types is a master list checklist. Here you can manage checklists that will be used in any workflow in the system like Purchasing or Manufacturing.
For example, if you have two quality control checklists those have to be filled during the production process for every production order, then you would create those two checklist here. Same goes for Purchase receipts or Shipment.
The central management of checklist will ensure that whenever you have to revise the checklist, it can be done from a central place. The changes will reflect everywhere it is linked.
Link inspection checklist with production routing steps.
Linking inspection checklist for quality control with production routing steps is one way of implementing quality control during the manufacturing process. Inspection checklist can be linked with any other workflow as well.
Open the routing from the settings and use the Inspection type dropdown to select appropriate checklist to link with manufacturing step. After linking checklists with steps, immediately all production orders using that routing will reflect the checklist (we will see that in next section). Same way, if you remove the checklist from the step it will also immediately reflect.
Inspection checklist in action.
Inspection checklists are now in place in the routing. We will take a electronics assembly production order and see how it works.
Once, the assembly on the order starts, the Operations tab will reflect all the steps to be followed for the assembly based on the routing selected. The routing we selected for this example order has checklists linked. You can see that the checklist button-icon appears next to each step that requires inspection before finish. The checklist filling is mandatory, system will not allow operator to proceed to next step until it is done.
View all inspections checklists
All inspection checklists filled throughout the system are collectively shown in the “All inspections” list. The list will show two separate list of triggered inspections and finished inspections.
From the history of checklist, you can view who filled the checklist and for which order or item.
Inspection checklist are vital part of quality control. The module inspection system of Sparrow ERP makes sure that quality checklists are implemented at any event during the business process. Purchase receipts, Shipment and Manufacturing.
#electronics quality control, #purchase receipt quality control, #shipment quality control